Bruce Chapman

For more information, contact Bruce Chapman.

Retail Rate Design

We at CA Energy Consulting possess the experience, judgment, and economic intuition to balance rate making criteria. Our firm specializes in retail rate design based on economic principles to achieve rate structures that enhance customer value while maintaining revenue recovery.

CA Energy Consulting helps utilities design retail portfolios that create value for their customers. We help utilities to select from existing designs and integrate them into their menu of rates. We also design innovative rates which have accrued national recognition. We conduct quantitative analysis to evaluate likely participation and customer and utility benefits from alternative designs, prior to implementation. By doing so, we arrive at the design most likely to attract and keep customers, secure regulatory approval, and support utility earnings.

Bruce Chapman

For more information, contact Bruce Chapman.

"Working with CA Energy Consulting, we evaluated the risks, managed the price and cost exposure issues to everyone's satisfaction (including our commission) and offered a flat bill product that has been unstoppable in the market. Sales for this option continue to be strong, and customer satisfaction is high. CA Energy Consulting’s help made all this run efficiently, and helped us build a credible business case that greased the skids for moving the program along."

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